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Taman Sari Yogyakarta

Welcome to Indonesia
Now we will visited on "central java" - " Yogyakarta"

(here the map, stt...actually I don't know the way, I just follow my hubby.I always be where my hubby was.But not now, I'm not follow my hubby where he is on Duri xixixixi)

Yogyakarta, you will find much interesting place for your visiting to spend all your holiday. Like me and my hubby, in this holiday after marriage, we want visit “Taman Sari”, it also called  “Taman Sari Water Castle”. It is located about 2 km south within the grounds of the Kraton, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Do you know, firstly I think I just only find the bathing place for sultan and his wife, but I’m wrong, on there you will find miracle of ancient building. At that complex there are a long tunnels beside residential. 
Here the Taman Sari Water Castle

Hmm…unique building. That’s way are toward to old well, based on Wikipedia this place is used for wudhu. Hmm this is in below ground, artistic with many holed in all side tunnel , I think it used for ventilation. Unfortunately many build are not cared, but many guide said it will be rebuilding to repair the destroy building.

Here I am...xixixxi...*feel like Sultan's wife :D
Look so greast, I am above the old wall. It is lay on end of tunnel
I dont't know what is it, is it window?or is it hole as ventilation? xixixixi *:D

Walking down around this area, make you tired I think because you should rise up and down the stairs , but it is happier around there. You could see Jogja’s  view at higher plain, village activities make Batik, or Puppet, and house that sell the portrait. Yeiii…how great place…^^. Yaaa Yogya’s is one of city in Indonesia that offer and show higher culture beside of Solo and Bali, so enjoy your day and holiday on there…:D

I cannot wait to enjoy other interesting place in Jogya so…come on hubby we have much plan for traveling  around Jogya..xixixixi


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