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Traveling to Banyuwangi Through Bali

Go to Banyuwangi Through Bali

Route Jakarta to Banyuwangi, so many ways to be there. You can choose many transportation such us Bus, train or Plane. If you choose bus the price approx IDR 350,000 (not in special day/ red date on calender), if on the special dated the price will be twice, approx IDR 550,000. the Bus have two route : north line and south line.
On north line it means that the route from Jakarta through Situbondo and the final destination is Sritanjung Bus station. The North line also means we will find beach along the way (example Pantai Pasir Putih, Watu Dodol etc).
On South line it means we will find more rice field, tobacco field, coffee plantation, rubber plantation, cacao plantation, and so on. Interesting way is through Merawan's mountain. the winding road make our head will be headache xixixixi...but the beautiful forest offer here :D.

Ok, next train transportation, we can booking the ticket online approx IDR 300,000 , but it is from Jakarta-Surabaya (Gubeng station), from gubeng's station we can continue our traveling by ride the train Mutiara timur, price ticket approx IDR 150,000. By train it is more comfortable I think but I dont like move twice xixixi (the train must be stop on Surabaya then continued again from Surabaya to Banyuwangi).

Well...enough the story use the bus and the train. once transportation that I never use is by plane xixixi, Oct 4,2012. First experience going home through Bali, first think that it will be simple and comfort traveling but it spend much time :D. My notes said that so tired but it save more time beside we ride bus or train  from Jakarta to Banyuwangi ,Lets see

I try to choose the first flight by Lion, 4.30 am. then arrive on Ngurah Rai Airport approx &
7.30 am WITA. the price is IDR 412,000. next I should use Taxi to go to Ubung's bus station,

I should paid IDR 120,000. Unfortunately   there are not comfort bus with ac xixixi as usually I ride the bus (from Rawamangun station).hmmm...only Gunung Harta
the good choice I think then others. so I ride it with the final destination Jember. I must paid IDR 60,000, arrive to Gilimanuk harbor
spend time approx 5 hours, fiuuh so long way, beside the driver speed up the bus :((uncomfotable zone hahahaha..).
Gilimanuk port to Tanjung Wangi Port ( its most familiar with Ketapang port) takes time approx 45 minutes.Finally after 30 minutes home sweet homes..xixixixi I am comming :D

My notes :
the plane now available form Jakarta to Banyuwangi Yeiiiiyeee by lion, Time itinerary choosing are 06.50 am/05.00 am/06.00 am/ 05.10 am the all arrived to Banyuwangi to 10.20 am (this flight transit to Juanda's air port)

Happy traveling all....^^


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